Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Dear Friends of Healing Music,

Welcome to 2018 - THE YEAR OF LIGHT. 

For me 2017 had the most challenging and amazing and sad and happy experiences.... Weird, whacky and wonderful.

We are living the big shifts. One friend summed it up perfectly - 2017 was like having a full moon everyday and some days felt like four full moons in one day!!!!

I don't usually bring in family matters but I know that many many of you knew about my dear brother Ron and the protracted illness he was going through. He had pancreatic cancer for over three and a half years and last summer he died peacefully in a beautiful hospice, listening to my Sacred Sounds for Sleep music. I want to thank everyone who has helped and supported Ron, me and our family during this difficult but often beautiful journey. Ron died being the true essence of what he was - kindness. He died with an open heart. I am so grateful.

On the day he died I had the most amazing spiritual ceremony - my Priestess Ceremony in a chapel in the woods...... We felt Ron's presence with us, one of the most poignant days of my life.

Thanks to all who helped with the ceremony and a special thank you to my friend Lorraine Gane who wrote the beautiful poem for the day:

I am the priestess of the night,
I am the priestess of the day,
my heart, the love, the light,
the radiance of the Great Mother
awakened within me now.

I will tell you more in the coming year about my sharing community named Heartsong Horizons and the work I am doing through this community with David Deschambault . My Priestess Ceremony was part of the establishing energy for Heartsong Horizons.....

Because it was such a wild and different energy last year I would like to end the talking part of the newsletter here and leave you with a collage of images from 2017.

I wish you the bestest (fairy word) for everything in your life during this pivotal 2018 year!!!! 


fairy and priestess blessings, love, debrina

Breathe in Love

Breathe out Light

March 3, 2018 Saturday
CONSCIOUS DANCE PARTY - Gather in the Light - Hosted by Liz Diaz
Yoga Village - 240 Roncesvalles Ave.
Nothing can dim the light that shines from within " - Maya Angelou. As we approach the spring equinox and earth makes its annual cycle around the sun this is a potent time to set intentions and look deeply at our lives and see what is ready to grow as life springs forth with the return of the sun. It is time to gather in the light.
7:30pm Doors Open - Self-directed warm-up Ambient Vinyl set with Morgan Yew
8:00 Opening Circle; Meditation & Community Ritual lead by Liz Diaz & Sound Healing with Debbie Danbrook (Doors will be temporary closed during this time)
8:30-10:00 DJ'ed dance journey of global conscious grooves lead by DJ Liz Diaz the dance will end with a meditative sound journey with Debbie Danbrook Japanese Shakuhachi flute .
10:00 Closing circle - Stay after the dance for smoothies and community social.
or via etransfer to make password “dance"
Tickets at Door $25
March 17, 2018 Saturday
MUSIC MEDITATION with Debbie Danbrook and Mark Daniel.
INVITING IN LIGHT CEREMONY - This is a pivotal year for each and every one of us - for our friends, families, communities… We will offer this ceremony to all Beings Of Light and ask for Light to be poured down through our music and into all our hearts.
Please join us for this magical Music Meditation Ceremony: Shakuhachi, North American flute, Fairy Chimes, Fairy Stick, vocals, Tibetan and Crystal Bowls and Gongs.
Delicious tea will be served. Please come early for tea and stay after the event to chat.

Location: Esther Myers Yoga Studio 390 Dupont Street, Suite 203

(side entrance, north side of Dupont between Spadina and Bathurst)

Time: 7:30pm (doors open at 7:00pm)
There are mats, blankets, pillows and chairs available at the studio. If you would like to bring extra pillows/blankets to make yourself comfortable please do. You can stretch out and relax completely during this deep, music meditation.
Cost: $33
The space is lovely and cozy. We can accommodate a total of 20 participants.
To reserve your space please prepay through paypal or e-transfer: 
Questions? Don't use paypal or e-transfer? Please call or text me: 416-833-3564 or e-mail, much thanks.
For directions/questions the night of the event: 416-833-3564
I look forward to seeing you at our event!

March 22, 2018 Thursday

Time: 7:00pm - 90 minute Ceremony

MUSIC CEREMONY with Debbie Danbrook and Mark Daniel at Akasha's Den

Please join us for a healing and restorative Music Ceremony featuring Debbie playing shakuhachi flute, fairy chimes and singing
and Mark playing Tibetan and crystal bowls.
Each day has been getting longer, 
As the rain warms Mother Earth, 
We emerge from our deep quiet, The Sun is bright. 
Optimism abounds.
It’s been a long winter and though the trees love the snow, we are happy to start seeing their leaves again. The crows now sing of the end of winter, the robins herald the start of spring. The sap starts running. For us  in the north the world is springing to life again. It is time to plant our seeds
Please join us for this transformative, harmonious, healing experience.

Location: Akasha's Den

One block east of Trafalgar turn right onto Reynolds Street.

Phone: 905-844-5055

Cost: $44

Registration and Information: Akasha's Den: 905-844-5055
The 2018 spring tour was postponed because of family circumstances. I am tentatively going in the fall of 2018 - it is beautiful in Japan in the fall and it would be lovely to see the fall colours there!!! Please let me know if you would like to join an upcoming tour. Either fall 2018 or spring 2019, thanks!
April 15 - 21, 2018 
A fun filled week of dance and music! I will be recording music for the dance piece THE CREATION and will have some live performances. Details to follow.
May 14, 2018 Monday
David Price Francis with Special Guest Debbie Danbrook. 

Time: 7:00 - 10:00pm

Location: Trinity St. Paul's Church
A life-changing evening of information, guided meditation and music!

More details to follow, please save the date!

Price: $20

For more information/registration contact:    

May 19, 2018  Saturday
MUSIC MEDITATION with Debbie Danbrook and Deep Ganguly
Please join us for a magical Music Meditation with Debbie playing the Japanese Shakuhachi flute, North American flute, Fairy Chimes, Fairy Stick and vocals. Deep playing the Bansuri Indian flute - the rich and mellow sounds of the breath on its reeds, the Bansuri holds a unique place in the world of meditation, relaxation and inner peace.
Delicious tea will be served. You are welcome to come early for tea and stay after the event to chat.
Location: Esther Myers Yoga Studio 
(side entrance, north side of Dupont between Spadina and Bathurst) 
Time: 7:30pm (doors open at 7:00pm)
There are mats, blankets, pillows and chairs available at the studio. If you would like to bring extra pillows/blankets to make yourself comfortable please do. You can stretch out and relax completely during this deep, music meditation.
Cost: $33 (students/seniors/unemplyed half price)
 The space is lovely and cozy. We can accommodate a total of 20 participants.
To reserve your space please prepay through paypal or e-transfer: 
Questions? Don't use paypal or e-transfer? Please call or text me: 416-833-3564 or e-mail, much thanks.
For directions/questions the night of the event: 416-833-3564
We look forward to seeing you at our event!

June 21, 2018 Thursday

Time: 7:00pm - 90 minute Ceremony

MUSIC CEREMONY with Debbie Danbrook and Mark Daniel at Akasha's Den

Please join us for a healing and restorative Music Ceremony featuring Debbie playing shakuhachi flute, fairy chimes and singing
and Mark playing Tibetan and crystal bowls.
The Longest day of the year, 
The Strawberry Moon calls, 
The Sun is full and at night we Dream looking to the Stars. 
Our Abundance has begun again.
The hot warm weather has returned. The Sun warms the flowers and fruits fill with colour.  While the roses come to bloom it is the “Honey”moon that calls community together in dance. Now is the time to rest from our planting, to weed and cultivate our gardens. To rest our feet in the ponds.
Please join us for this transformative, harmonious, healing experience.

Location: Akasha's Den

One block east of Trafalgar turn right onto Reynolds Street.

Phone: 905-844-5055

Cost: $44

Registration and Information: Akasha's Den: 905-844-5055


July 22, 2018 Sunday

NEXUS presents an extravaganza of Indian Dance, Indian Music and musical guests including Debbie Danbrook on Shakuhachi.
Time: 4:00 to 6:30
Location: Dance Makers Studios Distillery District
More details to follow, info: 416-833-3564


September 22, 2018 Saturday

Time: 7:00pm - 90 minute Ceremony

MUSIC CEREMONY with Debbie Danbrook and Mark Daniel at Akasha's Den

Please join us for a healing and restorative Music Ceremony featuring Debbie playing shakuhachi flute, fairy chimes and singing
and Mark playing Tibetan and crystal bowls.
It is time to bring in the Harvest, To give Thanks for all that is provided, It is time to come together in community and Share. Time to prepare for the deep rest. The soft warm Harvest moon is still bright enough to finish our harvest chores. Its colour, like the changing of the leaves has us moving a little slower. We are preparing for the snow to come. Now though, now we stay out longer, now we cultivate our planting tending and harvesting. Soon we rest again.
Please join us for this transformative, harmonious, healing experience

Location: Akasha's Den

One block east of Trafalgar turn right onto Reynolds Street.

Phone: 905-844-5055

Website: Cost: $44

Registration and Information: Akasha's Den: 905-844-5055
November 1 - 7, 2018
Parliament of the World’s Religions
An international interfaith conference that will include more than 500 programs and workshops.
Please join me as I play my healing music on the Labyrinth for this incredible week. I will be hosted by the Toronto Labyrinth Society.


Debbie Danbrook
Lots of Love,

Breathe in Love
Breathe out Light

Lots of Love,

Sound Ceremony - Mark and Debbie: 

Music Meditation:

Shakuhachi Playday and Master Class:

Debbie Danbrook At Camellia Teas:

Music Medication - Chris and Deb:

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