Dear Friends of Healing Music,
Welcome to 2017!!! The words and feelings I have for this coming year are: GRATITUDE and ARRIVAL. I am so grateful to be here with so many wonderful beings who are consciously carrying the Light! And more and more beings are joining in this great gathering of Love and Light!!! We have been working towards this gathering for many many lifetimes and I have a feeling of Arrival and Celebration. I feel a wonderful shift, in myself, in family and friends, and in groups around the globe. Please stay extra grounded; deepen your spiritual practice; take special care of yourself; have fun and of course listen to lots and lots of Healing Music!!!
Here are some stories and events from my 2016. It was an amazing year for me!
To start off there is the photo collage at the top of the newsletter - created by my friends Joe and Leo at Orbital Arts! Some of my favourite memories! Me in Japan at my Temple Hozanji (photo taken by my niece, Claire). Playing at a Cathedral in New York for a Sacred Dance Event. (photo taken by Mayumi). Two pictures taken by Alfred D’Sa for my Ambient World CD. And in the middle a powerful Lioness with powerful energy to help carry me and my music through the coming years!!!! This collage is a gift from Steve to celebrate my birthday!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you, I love it!
I released 3 big projects this year: the Sacred Sounds trilogy, the new USB sticks with the Healing Music library and also the Sleep Program.
The USB sticks are a brand new idea to help get the whole Healing Music catalogue out to listeners: are 3 versions and the complete catalogue includes some of Steve’s magical piano recordings that were only available before in Japan.
The other release for 2016 was the Sleep Program that I have been working on for years. I am really happy with the end result and I hope that this program will help many listeners - including people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Thanks to all who helped with the program! And as this is a ‘by donation’ project special thanks to all who have donated at the Sleep Program website - much appreciated. And please keep sending your suggestions about who to pass this program on to. Thanks!
It was a busy and fun year, playing at many wonderful events.
I started off the year playing at the beautiful home of my friend Sue - our annual ‘Bring in the Energy for the New Year’ event. It was sublime and grounding and healing as it always is!
LABYRINTH EVENTS: I offered workshops at several Labyrinth events - always one of my favourite things to do! Thanks to Jill Hewlett for arranging a lovely event in January. Thanks to the Toronto Labyrinth Society for organizing the fantastic event in June and thanks to my friend Joanne Stevenson for driving me!
MUSIC MEDITATIONS: I am so grateful for all the wonderful energy that flowed through the music at the many Music Meditations I offered this year.
A lovely Fairy Altar from my Ceremony at Akasha's Den:
Thanks to my lovely friend Mark Daniel who plays Tibetan and Crystal bowls. We played together almost monthly at wonderful spaces: Esther Myers Yoga Studio in Toronto, Akasha’s Den in Ottawa, Adi Shakti in Ottawa, Kalyana Yoga Shala in Ottawa and Raven's Ridge near Orrilia.
Thanks to Andrea Gerhardt for her beautiful vocals and harp playing at both house concerts and at Esther Myers Yoga Studio.
Thanks to Chris Gartner for his amazing bass soundscapes - we have played at Esther Myers many many times and each Music Meditation is a soul journey! Plus we played at a wonderful outdoor event that I'll mention later in my newsletter.
I also offered solo Music Meditations at Akasha’s Den, Orbital Arts gallery and store, at events hosted by the Sacred Dance Guild (, and at an Edgar Cayce study group event. Always such lovely groups to play for!
I travelled to Grail Springs in Bancroft twice this year - one of the most beautiful places I have ever played at! Thank you Madeleine Marentette for the love you have poured into this space!
There are some lovely videos from Grail Springs coming with my music as the soundscape. I will send them all in a future newsletter!!! Exciting!
I played at one my all time favourite events ever for the Mindfulness Conference here in Toronto on May 13. The event was held in one of the best venues in the world - Koerner Hall. The acoustics in the hall are incredibly wonderful - my flute sound washed over me like honey!! This was also due to the amazing energy of the group - around 500 people who are all conscious beings working with mindfulness meditation on their spiritual journeys. In the wings, waiting to go on, I was blessed to be in the presence of Thupten Jinpa, the translator for the Dalai Lama. Special thanks to Michael Appolo for inviting me to play at this event and for all his work in organizing this amazing conference.
June took me to Raven’s Ridge near Orrilia for a Soulstice Celebration!! A beautiful weekend event of Healing Music in the Labyrinth, the Medicine Wheel and nestled in front of the pond playing with Mark. Thank you Catherine Jenereaux for organizing this beautiful event!!!
Here is one of my favourite pictures - me and Mark playing in Narnia!
In July my wonderful friend Wendy Morrell hosted a CD ‘PreLaunch’ event at her beautiful home! A lovely group gathered in the back yard to listen and dance and do tai chi to the new recording I am working on with Chris Gartner! This was a fundraiser to help with the recording costs. We had champagne and strawberry shortcake and it was a fabulous night! Thank you so much Wendy for all your love and support!
August was incredible! I offered my yearly Shakuhachi Playday for my students at the lovely Camellia Teas space. Thank you to all my students for their diligence and beautiful playing! And big thanks to Rebecca and Matthew for inviting us again into their beautiful place.
We offered our yearly concert the day after the Playday, a gorgeous event! Thanks to everyone who played including Ian Hepburn with his beautiful harp music. Rebecca Cragg did live Japanese painting during the concert, wow! Lucky audience members got to take home these incredible works of art!!!
Next was the annual performance at Remic Rapids with the fantastic Rock Sculptures of John Ceprano. Stunningly beautiful setting. My students and friends played with me, much thanks for their strong flute/drum/harp performance and much thanks to the Sacred Dancers led by Wendy Morrell. Always a photographers dream playing at this site. Thank you John for all your wonderful work:
Changing gears - next I played on a Pirate ship!!!!! Yes, a pirate ship - the one at Toronto Island that does parties for kids. I co-facilitated a Healing Water Ceremony with Danielle Lobo. Thanks Danielle for organizing this fun and healing event! It was a magical cruise through all the back waters of the islands. Thanks to Matt, the owner of the ship, for taking us all out for a decidedly non-pirate type event!!! (except I did switch my fairy outfit for a pirate look….) But not to worry, the next night I played for a Music Can Heal event in Kensington Market and I was back in one of my regular Pixie outfits!

The fall was an amazing time for me for new Sacred Ceremonies. I am grateful to new friends David Deschambault and Eric Reynolds for their support and love with my ordinations as a Deaconess and a Reverend. Thank you so much. I look forward to offering more healing energy through the ceremonies I will be offering - Weddings, Memorials and Celebration of Life Ceremonies.
Our Palliative Care Association has had a busy year - doing lots of events and helping to spread the word about the healing benefits of music for hospice and palliative care. Thanks to our leader Talia Wooldridge for all her incredible efforts! I played at several benefit concerts and awareness raising events including events at Array Music (beautiful space), Kensington Market, Royal Conservatory of Music and at the gorgeous Earl Bales Park. Here I am playing with Chris Gartner:
I went to my most favourite ballet ever!!! La Sylphide - a ballet about Scottish Fairies!!!! I went with my great niece Stephanie and we had a magical time!!! Big thanks to my friend Janice Mawhinney for our front row seats!!! And another thanks to Janice for all her help with editing my writing, much appreciated!
I had so many lovely little trips travelling to events throughout Ontario - what a beautiful place we live in! Also had two amazing trips out of the country, one to Mexico and the other to Japan.
I love this story - my friend Sue and I were trying and trying to find a time to get together, no luck. Then she mentioned that she was going to Mexico and I said me too. Then she told me Puerto Vallarta and I said me too. Then her dates - we were going at the same time!!! When I got there my brother took me down to the beach and pointed out Sue’s hotel just a few buildings away!!!! So we had a whole day to hang out and explore beautiful places in Puerto Vallarta!
Here is a lovely picture of us:
The Japan Cherry Blossom Tour was incredible!!! Thanks to the folks who joined us this trip! I so love showing my favourite places and Temples to the group. Here I am at my Temple Hozanji:
I love teaching and I am so grateful to my shakuhachi students who play so beautifully on this amazing but difficult instrument! I also have some Native American Flute and vocal students who benefit from the breath work incorporated into the shakuhachi playing. I love you all!!!
I offered so many workshops and did so many ceremonies this year, including ‘Mantra Meditations’ (create your own Mantra) and ‘Inviting in Light Ceremonies’ (for homes or work places).
Here is a link to our Healing Music website that tells you more about my offerings:
New Recording: I am continuing to record pieces for the new recording with Chris Gartner. This is a beautiful collaboration that has some songs with words - a new endeavour for me!!! I am loving the music and I can’t wait to release this recording! We already have a music video finished and the artwork ready to go….
Another New Recording: We are adding some new parts on the recording I am doing with Celina Carroll. This is a powerful celebration of music for Ceremony, lovely for walking meditation and gentle movement. Stay tuned for more updates!
And big hugs to Katee for her excellent help with all my website updates and newsletters!
Whew, I need a cup of tea, that was quite a year! I hope you have enjoyed reading about my adventures! I look forward to seeing you this year at an upcoming event!
I hope you have a wonderful, healing, creative, lovely and fun 2017!!!!
January 7, 2017 Saturday
a MUSIC MEDITATION and Healing Music talk to bring in the wonderful energy for the amazing shifts to come in the New Year!
Location: Scarborough, at the beautiful home of my friend Sue. Directions to her house will be provided when you make your reservation.
Reservations: 416-439-1494
February 5, 2017 Sunday
Interfaith Ceremony
Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Annapurana Restaurant
1085 Bathurst (south of Dupont)
Please join us for a beautiful Interfaith Community Ceremony of peace. I will be offering a short Shakuhachi meditation. Tea and snacks will be served. All are welcome.
Februay 2017
Retreat at Cat island. A return for me to an area where I lived for a year on a desert island!
March 14 to 23, 2017
I am looking forward to sharing Music Meditations with the group at my favourite Temples! We will also have some amazing experiences going to: castles, a Japanese cooking class, Kabuki, Sumo wrestling…. and more fun events!
The 2018 Japan Tour will be booked starting in the summer of 2017. Please let me know if you would like some details.
April 2, 2017 Sunday
Details to follow.
I will be playing at a performance organized by Kathryn Henzler - graduate student. The performance itself is a blend of musical theatre, classical composition, and Japanese instruments and poetry.
April 15, 2017 Saturday
MUSIC MEDITATION with Debbie Danbrook and Mark Daniel.
Please join us for a magical Music Meditation with Shakuhachi, North American flute, Fairy Chimes, Fairy Stick, vocals, Tibetan and Crystal Bowls and Gongs.
Delicious tea will be served. Please come early for tea and stay after the event to chat.
Location: Esther Myers Yoga Studio
390 Dupont Street, Suite 203
(side entrance, north side of Dupont between Spadina and Bathurst)
Time: 7:30pm (doors open at 7:00pm)
There are mats, blankets, pillows and chairs available at the studio. If you would like to bring extra pillows/blankets to make yourself comfortable please do. You can stretch out and relax completely during this deep, music meditation.
Cost: $33
The space is lovely and cozy. We can accommodate a total of 20 participants.
Questions? Don't use paypal or e-transfer? Please call or text me: 416-833-3564 or e-mail, much thanks.
For directions/questions the night of the event: 416-833-3564
I look forward to seeing you at our event!
April 21, 22, 23, 2016
I will be performing on April 21 and 23
I have been invited to play at this wonderful conference. I am honoured to be a part of this amazing event! The conference last year was incredible!
I will update the details for my performance.
April 26, 2017 Wednesday
David Price Francis with Special Guest Debbie Danbrook.
Time: 7:00 - 10:00pm
Location: Trinity St. Paul's Church
427 Bloor St. West (Bloor & Spadina)
A life-changing evening of information, guided meditation and music!
May, 2017 - date to be announced
Time: 7:00pm - 90 minute Ceremony
MUSIC CEREMONY with Chris Gartner at Akasha's Den
Please join us for a healing and restorative Music Ceremony featuring Debbie playing shakuhachi flute, fairy chimes and Chris creating layers of beautiful soundscapes with his bass and magical sound generators.
Location: Akasha's Den
Cost: $44
Registration and Information: Akasha's Den: 905-844-5055
MAY EVENT - details to follow
June 9, 2017 Friday
MUSIC MEDITATION with Debbie Danbrook and Mark Daniel.
Please join us for a magical Music Meditation with Shakuhachi, North American flute, Fairy Chimes, Fairy Stick, vocals, Tibetan and Crystal Bowls and Gongs.
Delicious tea will be served. Please come early for tea and stay after the event to chat.
MUSIC MEDITATION with Debbie Danbrook and Andrea Gerhardt
Please join us for a magical Music Meditation with Shakuhachi, North American flute, Fairy Chimes, Fairy Stick, vocals, and the beautiful and ancient songs of Hildegard
Delicious tea will be served. You are welcome to come early for tea and stay after the event to chat.
Location: Esther Myers Yoga Studio
390 Dupont Street, Suite 203
(side entrance, north side of Dupont between Spadina and Bathurst)
Time: 7:30pm (doors open at 7:00pm)
There are mats, blankets, pillows and chairs available at the studio. If you would like to bring extra pillows/blankets to make yourself comfortable please do. You can stretch out and relax completely during this deep, music meditation.
Cost: $33
The space is lovely and cozy. We can accommodate a total of 20 participants.
Questions? Don't use paypal or e-transfer? Please call or text me: 416-833-3564 or e-mail, much thanks.
For directions/questions the night of the event: 416-833-3564
I look forward to seeing you at our event!
June 21, 2017 Wednesday
Time: 7:00pm - 90 minute Ceremony
MUSIC CEREMONY with Debbie Danbrook and Mark Daniel at Akasha's Den
Please join us for a healing and restorative Music Ceremony featuring Debbie playing shakuhachi flute, fairy chimes and singing
and Mark playing Tibetan and crystal bowls.
Cost: $44
Registration and Information: Akasha's Den: 905-844-5055
August 4, 2017 Friday (date to be confirmed)
Start time: 2:00pm
Location: Stepping Stones Gallery
This is an annual get together with my Shakuhachi students for a Master Class on breathwork, Japanese music and an informal concert. We have had some lovely 'non-shakuhachi' musicians join us in the past. Please let me know if you would like details.
If you are a beginner Shakuhachi player please feel welcome to join us - players of all levels are welcome!
August 5, 2017 Saturday
Time: (to be confirmed)
free event
MUSIC MEDITATION, MOVEMENT MEDITATION with the rock sculpture of JOHN CEPRANO Please join Debbie Danbrook and musical friends, including the Take Club Shakuhachi Group along with dancers from the Sacred Dance Guild for a beautiful and peaceful Walking Meditation through the rock garden sculptures. Participants will be invited to sit or to join in a meditative walk with music/dancers weaving throughout the space. After the performance we will sit together and enjoy the sunset.
This is a photographers dream! Please feel free to bring your camera
Location: Remic Rapids on the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway. There's a stone sculpture installation at the entrance with a sign "Remic Rapids" right after the Parkdale exit
August 6, 2017 Sunday (date to be confirmed)
Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
CONCERT: An evening to celebrate Japanese and Canadian Music and Art
Ian Hepburn - harp, Debbie Danbrook - Shakuhachi, Catriona Sturton - harmonica and accordion plus the Shakuhachi students of Debbie. Beautiful Japanese brush painting artwork will be created by Rebecca Cragg during the concert and lucky audience members will take home these beautiful pictures. Also in the raffle will be CD's by Debbie Danbrook. This will be an intimate private concert with limited seating for 20 participants.
October, 2017, date and details to be announced
Time: 7:00pm - 90 minute Ceremony
MUSIC CEREMONY with Debbie Danbrook
Please join us for a healing and restorative Music Ceremony featuring Debbie playing shakuhachi flute, fairy chimes and singing. Debbie will also offering a Healing Music talk.
Location: Akasha's Den
Cost: $33
Registration and Information: Akasha's Den: 905-844-5055
December 17, 2017 Sunday
MUSIC MEDITATION with Debbie Danbrook and Mark Daniel.
Please join us for a magical Music Meditation with Shakuhachi, North American flute, Fairy Chimes, Fairy Stick, vocals, Tibetan and Crystal Bowls and Gongs.
Delicious tea will be served. Please come early for tea and stay after the event to chat.
Last week of March and beginning of April
Approximately 8 to 10 days
(dates may shift by a few days to accommodate the cherry blossoms)
Maximum of 3 participants - booking for this tour starting in summer, 2017
Please join me and a few participants for the annual Cherry Blossom tour to Japan. We will travel to my favourite temples where I will offer Music Meditations under the Cherry Blossoms. Tour includes travel to Nara, Kyoto, Osaka, and sometimes Ise, the spiritual centre for the Shinto religion. We will enjoy peaceful and tranquil walking meditations at ancient sites, experience a traditional Tea Ceremony, listen to healing music and of course eat fabulous Japanese food, drink sake and shop!!!! Always an enlightening and fun adventure. For more info:
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