Dear Friends,
I am home safe and sound from one of my biggest, wildest and most beautiful trips ever!
Let me start with the Japan picture at the top of the newsletter. We were lucky/blessed to have full Cherry Blossoms during the trip. The picture you see is Nagoya Castle and we stayed in the hotel that is right on the edge of the moat of the Castle..... The thing I love about the Cherry Blossoms is the huge variety they have in Japan - all types and colours of pink and white and cream. Delightful! The Cherry Blossoms are also a symbol of the fleeting beauty of life and very much a part of the heart energy of all Japanese people.....
I played my Shakuhachi at soooooooooo many amazing and beautiful sites but of course my favourite Music Meditation was at my temple, Hozanji. Here is a beautiful photo, full of light, taken by my dear niece Claire who joined the tour this year. Thank you for this lovely memory Claire.
Some other highlights from the trip: I swam with jellyfish in Palau!!!! Don't worry, they don't sting. Palau is one of the most gorgeous places I have ever been!!!! I'll include photos in my year end newsletter. Played at a friend's wedding in Guam. Went down in a sub.......
Japan was beautiful, wonderful, thrilling as per usual. I saw all my friends, had sessions with my healer, went to my temple several times, had the special joy of showing my favourite places to folks visiting Japan for the first time, travelled around Tokyo, Kamakura, Nagoya, Osaka, Ikoma, Nara and Kyoto and of course played lots and lots of Shakuhachi. Whew, great to be home and also can't wait to go back!
In between the Japan/Palau/Guam and then Ottawa visit was the NEW YORK adventure! Pictures and stories to follow in the next newsletter.....
I just offered a beautiful MUSIC CEREMONY with Mark Daniel in Ottawa at the lovely Kalyana Yoga studio. Mark and I have two more upcoming ceremonies, one in TORONTO on May 31 at 80 Gladstone, 7:30. Then to finish off these trio of MUSIC CEREMONIES Mark and I will be playing on June 21, Summer Solstice, in ORILLA at the very special Raven's Ridge, 6:00pm. I hope you can join us for one of these lovely ceremonies! Complete event listings at the end of this letter.
Also in TORONTO, please join me at The Yoga House on June 14, 6:00pm for a MUSIC MEDITATION & GENTLE YOGA event with Celeste Shirley. This will be my first time to play at this beautiful studio that overlooks one of Toronto's lovely ravines.
July takes me back to wonderful Grail Springs in BANCROFT for a week workshop, July 27 to August 1, entitled 'MUSIC OF THE EARTH, MUSIC OF OUR HEARTS'.
I'll also be headed back to the Grail in the fall for an amazing week workshop with David Price Francis entitled 'The Quest for the Grail'. This runs September 21 to 26.
I'll be in OTTAWA on August 16 for our annual SHAKUHACHI PLAYDAY - a shakuhachi master class, get together and then performance on August 17. Plus more Ottawa events, details to follow.
In addition to all the trips I continue to offer my Music Mantra Sessions, Music Healing Sessions, House/Workplace Clearings. Shakuhachi, Native American Flute and Voice Lessons.
Lots of Love and Hugs,
May 1 to May 5, 2014
I am thrilled to be playing for Carla de Sola at her Sacred Dance workshop. Carla is one of the founders of Sacred Dance and she is a joy to work with.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Dance and Music performance at Church of the Village Sunday Service
201 West 13th Street
May 7, 8, 10 & 11, 2014
Music Healing Sessions, Music Mantra Sessions, House/Workplace Clearings and Shakuhachi, Native American Flute and Voice Lessons.
May 9, 2014
MUSIC CEREMONY with Debbie Danbrook and Mark Daniel
Please join us for a healing and restorative Music Ceremony featuring Debbie playing shakuhachi flute, fairy chimes and singing and Mark playing Tibetan and crystal bowls.
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Kalyana Shala
375 St Laurent Blvd. Vanier, ON
Cost: $33
Registration and Information:
Saturday, May 31, 2014
MUSIC CEREMONY with Debbie Danbrook and Mark Daniel
Please join us for a healing and restorative Music Ceremony featuring Debbie playing shakuhachi flute, Native American flute, voice, fairy chimes and fairy stick and Mark playing Tibetan and crystal bowls.
Please bring a mat/blanket/pillow to make your self comfy on the heatedfloor. There are some futons/pillows there and also chairs if you prefer.
Location: 80 Gladstone (entrance side door - street parking available)
80 Gladstone Ave., east of Dufferin, north of Queen
Doors open: 7:00 Music Meditation: 7:30
Tickets at the door: $25
Please call or e-mail for a reservation, thank you.
Saturday, June 14
Please join Debbie Danbrook and Celeste Shirley for a combined event of healing music and gentle yoga overlooking a beautiful ravine at the lovely Yoga House. Debbie will also be offering a healing music talk and will be gifting the participants with her mantra, Breathe in Love, Breathe out Light.
Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Location: The Yoga House, 7 Copeland Avenue
Cost: $33
Registration and Information:
Saturday, June 21, 2014
MUSIC CEREMONY with Debbie Danbrook and Mark Daniel
Please join us for a special out door Summer Solstice Music Ceremony featuring Debbie playing shakuhachi flute, Native American flute, voice, fairy chimes and fairy stick and Mark playing Tibetan and crystal bowls.
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Raven's Ridge
8 Lakewood Court, Oro Medonte
Directions: for people coming North on the 400 go to Hwy 11th North, get off at Line 13 South and go towards the Lake. Lakewood is right off Line 13
Note: the grounds are nice to stroll around so please come early. There is a Medicine Wheel and people can be escorted through this beautiful symbol.
There are chairs on the deck but if you would prefer to sit or lie on the lawn please bring a mat or blanket.
Orilla is also a lovely, small town to visit.
Cost: $38
Saturday, July 5, 2014
MUSIC MEDITATION with Debbie Danbrook and Chris Gartner
Please join us for a healing and restorative Music Meditation featuring Debbie playing shakuhachi flute, Native American flute, voice, fairy chimes and fairy stick and Chris playing bass and atmospheres.
Please bring a mat/blanket/pillow to make your self comfy on the heated floor. There are some futons/pillows there and also chairs if you prefer.
Location: 80 Gladstone (entrance side door - street parking available)
(80 Gladstone Ave., east of Dufferin, north of Queen)
Doors open: 7:00 Music Meditation: 7:30
tickets at the door: $25
July 27 to August 1, 2014
Please join me for a healing and restorative 5 day workshop at the beautiful Grail Springs retreat centre. I will be offering daily workshops that will weave out hearts, souls and bodies closer to nature through the healing medium of music. We will be celebrating Lughnasa together (a Celtic festival).
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Details to follow for this evening event
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Shakuhachi players, please join us for this fun filled day!
We start with a Master Class and players of all levels are welcome.Then we have a lovely supper and party. We also invite some special guests to play with us - we have had harmonica, singing, harp, saxophone....
Location: Stepping Stones Gallery, please contact me for the address
Time: 2:00pm to into the wee hours or whenever the party ends.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
A special performance with the Shakuhachi Playday group joining with a Sacred Dance performance.
Details to follow.
September 21 to September 26, 2014
THE QUEST FOR THE GRAIL at Grail Springs Retreat Centre
Join David Price Francis and Debbie Danbrook for five nights of unique insights, learning and and practical experience. David is an Arthurian scholar, founder of EnergyWorlds and explorer of the Grail Quest.
David and Debbie together produce an exquisite blend of story-telling, truth and tonality which will help transport you into an enchanted time of restoration and transformation. They will be offering powerful spoken and musical meditations, some of which they have recently recorded together.
March 29 to April 5, 2015
Shakuhachi Music Meditations under the cherry blossoms at my favourite temples.Details to follow. Dates might change slightly, depending on the Cherry Blossom forecast!
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