Dear Healing Music Friends,
Welcome to another Healing Music newsletter! Time flies – we must be having fun!!!
2013 was an amazing year (as per usual - every year is wild, whacky and amazing!!!!). I had three words that I felt would carry us though last year: Splendour, Simplicity, Serenity. The picture at the top of the newsletter feels Splendiferous to me (I'll tell you more about playing there) and as the year progressed I felt a sense of Simplicity in my organizing and dealing with events/travel etc. Serenity, hmmmm, I think that needs to be carried over into this new year. For 2014 I am projecting Serenity and also a feeling of EFFORTLESSNESS. Doing the things we need to do to support our spiritual journey with a sense of ease and flow and a supple way of events unfolding.
2014 started out with a huge shift! On December 31 the polarity of the Sun shifted – the negative and positive energies shifted from top to bottom. I said to someone at the beginning of the year “I feel like a new woman” and in some ways this magnetic shift contributed to this feeling. What an incredible way to mark the end of year, end of an era, and bring in fresh new energy for this wonderful new year!
There is so much to tell you about 2013, please make yourself a cup of tea, put on some Healing Music and enjoy the newsletter!!
CD RELEASE: www.lightfromthesuperearth.com
I am so thrilled to have our new CD 'LIGHT FROM THE SUPER EARTH' officially released. It was the most international CD so far; it took us from recording in Toronto to recording in London, England, to Boulder, Colorado, back to Toronto for more recording, mixing and then finally to London again to be mixed by Tim Young (who mixed the Beatles Love CD). There is a lot of love in this CD!!!!!! Thanks to all who played and worked on this great collaboration including David Darling, cellist, Chris Gartner, bass and atmospheres, Neal Wilkinson, drums, Steve Raiman, producer and piano, Ben Pelchat, engineer, Jeff Wolpert, mixing, Janice Mawhinney, liner notes, Michael Harris, original painting..... and many more. Thank you so much to all involved.
We had a fantastic CD release event in September at the Jazz Bistro here in Toronto. Incredible energy that night! Truly music with the new energy we need for these amazing new shifts and ways of being we are now living in!
If you haven't seen the beautiful video please go to: www.lightfromthesuperearth and press the media button. (Please turn off the music player on the home page) The CD is available at: www.healingmusic.com
I was honoured to be included in a beautiful new book entitled: 'R*eVe*olution'.
There are 40 chapters, 40 stories of the spiritual journeys of women. I called my chapter 'The Spirit of Shakuhachi' and wrote about my process of recording the seven CD's in the Chakra series, The Spirit of Shakuhachi. If you would like to get the book please go to Amazon and look for 'ReVeolution' or use this link:
I will send out a separate newsletter with my chapter for folks to enjoy.
Please take a moment to enjoy the new Healing Music homepage, designed by Liam Pelchat. It is incredibly beautiful! The image is my Hanko, my hand carved stamp from Japan. It features the Buddha of Compassion surrounded by my name in Japanese and the best part is the slow rotation. It is very meditative. Add some healing music from the sound player and voila, instant relaxation! The website is in the process of being revamped, stay tuned for a lovely new look.
This was the year of the Labyrinth! I played at so many wonderful, beautiful Labyrinths starting in February at the heavenly herb Labyrinth at Glen Ivy in California. Set amongst orange groves and tended to by The Emissaries of Divine Light this was indeed a heavenly walk for me! I had wished for many years to have the opportunity to walk and play at this very special Labyrinth and this was a wish come true.
In April and May I was invited to facilitate and play at three Labyrinth walks through the CanAsian Dance Festival here in Toronto at our wonderful Trinity Labyrinth. For those of you who haven't walked this Chartres Labyrinth it is located at Trinity Church behind the Eaton Centre and just east of City Hall. I have played at many events at this lovely Labyrinth, including for both the official opening ceremonies – the first when it was a grass mown Labyrinth and the second when it was transformed into a permanent brick walkway.
The CanAsian Festival had a contemplative theme this year – thanks to Denise Fujiwara and the Festival for inviting me and Chris Gartner to play these events as part of their yearly festival.
I also played inside the Trinity church for an event sponsored by the Toronto Labyrinth Society. This was a wonderful workshop event with a talk given by Lauren Artress, well known for her Labyrinth work. Again, Chris joined me with his lovely bass and atmospheres.
I played at many lovely events throughout the year at the Grail, including Labyrinth workshops indoor and also outdoors at the gorgeous Labyrinth in the trees – one of my favourite Labyrinths!
The Lady Grail Faire was incredible, I felt such beautiful, healing collective energy – the energy of how we are meant to be together on this wonderful planet. Everywhere I saw and felt beauty. Thanks to Madeleine Marentette for her vision and all the work she does.
I played at the amazing Nuit Blanche all night event at the Gladstone Hotel. Twelve hours of Healing Music and granting wishes!!! I was Debrina, Queen of the Pixie, Celina Carroll was an Earth Priestess, Tanya Mahar an elf and Anvita Martin was the Gatekeeper. We were in a beautiful Enchanted Forest designed by Lianne Snow – made entirely of recycled materials. We offered thirty-five shows throughout the night and had over 500 people join us! While Celina and I played a Music Meditation folks would write their wishes on the beautiful wish cards and then I would grant their wish with my Magic Wand. How fun was that!!!!! I found the experience illuminating, looking into the beautiful eyes of all those 500 people and offering them love and light and their wish to come true!!!!!
The New York trip was amazing. I played for some lovely Sacred Dance events at two beautiful churches. I have always loved playing for dancers and it is especially lovely playing for Sacred Dance pieces.
The picture of me in the church at the top of the newsletter is at St. Francis Xavier, one of the most beautiful churches I have ever played in. The first note I played filled the huge, beautiful space. I felt bathed in Grace. The picture was taken by a Mayumi, a friend who works for Calvin Klein, and you can see what a great eye she has. I love this picture. The other church I played in was at Trinity, and there is a great feeling of peace here. A place that people came to to rest and pray and reflect during the dark times after the disaster in New York.
I continue playing at many different benefit events. In August I offered a Healing Music Benefit concert at the beautiful Stepping Stones gallery. My fabulous students joined me along with harpist Ian Hepburn and Rebecca Cragg painting beautiful Japanese brush paintings to the energy of the live music. Rebecca and I have a Japan foundation we have started to keep the heart energy strong between Canada and Japan – this is something we started after we had finished our fundraising efforts after the Japanese Tsunami and nuclear disaster. Through our foundation we are planning a concert tour for the fall of this year, bringing over Japanese musicians to play at events in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Please contact me if you would like more information on these events and also if you would like to help us with this project in any way, thank you. If you can help with: billeting, driving, helping to organize events or wish to donate please contact me.
I continue playing at fundraising events and sitting on the Board of Directors for the Music Can Heal Foundation – a wonderful foundation let by Talia Wooldridge to help place live music in hospice and palliative care facilities.
I played at a lovely benefit concert in Bancroft in support of the darling little old wooden United Church built in 1881. Also to help support the lovely wee town theatre.
I love the Music Meditations. They are music that flows through my heart from my angels – music in the moment. The Music lasts for about an hour and then we hold the music in our hearts in silence, still feeling the energy of the music floating in the room around us. I have played these Music Meditations all over the world, Japan, Ireland, Africa, throughout North America, and wherever I play them I feel them reaching out to join a great healing web of light and love.
I am so grateful to all the wonderful people who have joined me this past year in the Meditations – Chris Gartner, Mark Daniel, Ann-Marie Boudreau, Jay Schwed, Michael Moon, David Maracle, Celina Carroll, Steve Raiman.
In Toronto we have moved the Meditations to a lovely new space, 80gladstone.com and I try to offer them here every month or two. The Meditations are lovely in any space but I particularly like to play in churches, spiritual retreat centres, yoga and dance spaces but as I know, the music can be healing and powerful wherever it is offered.
I continue offering Healing Music workshops wherever I am called to go. I did many workshops at Grail Springs this year and I was so thrilled to offer five nights of lectures/Music Meditations with my friend David Price Francis – he is a powerful force on the planet for healing and positive energetic shifts. So happy to be working with David.
I offered a day long workshop at the healing Quaker Friends House here in Toronto with a wonderful group of healers including my friend Heidi McBratney. Again, Heidi is a wonderful healing presence on our planet. I had always wanted to play at this great space – the energy there is so calm and peaceful.
I played my annual event at Esther Myers yoga centre. They have a beautiful new renovation and I walked throughout the whole space allowing my Healing Music to bath the lovely new space. Always a pleasure playing there.
I did a Lecture/Music Meditation at Applewood United Church. I am always so welcomed at United Church events and was grateful to play at another United Church. Thanks Anne Moore for inviting me.
(I grew up going to the United Church and I always feel so at home, playing over the years, at so many United Churches!)
I played at a powerful and beautiful workshop let by healer Eva Gold. I love Eva, I was joking that she is my Fairy Godmother! She is such a wonderful healer and so much fun!
I offered a Lecture/Music Meditation at PAMA – the Peel Art Gallery Museum and Archives. This is a beautiful spot in Brampton. The old courthouse and jail have been transformed into a beautiful space. After I played for the lovely group I did an energy clearing in the old courthouse that had been used for over 150 years. Huge energy shift. I was so grateful to have been called there to offer the Healing Music at this space.
David Whyte Workshop
I had an interesting weekend playing for the English Poet David Whyte. We had wonderful walks in the woods and I was the Pied Piper for the group!
I continue to teach Shakuhachi and continue to love all my students and their great effort with this amazing spiritual flute. I also teach voice and North American flute – I just love teaching! This year I also started teaching on SKYPE and it is great fun! We had a lovely annual Shakuhachi Playday at the Stepping Stones Gallery. One of the funnest days of every year!
I love offering my Healing Sessions and also my Mantra Sessions, where I help folks create their very own Mantra. I found myself a wee bit too busy to do any house and work clearings but will be offering them again this year.
The Japan Tour is in full scheduling mode. I will also be going to Palau and Gaum and this trip and I look forward to sharing my adventures with you in the next newsletter!
Every January I offer a Healing Music talk and Music Meditation at the beautiful home of my friend Sue. Here was me in my Fairy Ring bringing in the energy for what was an amazing year – 2013!
UPCOMING EVENTS – sneak peek
As part of this year of the Labyrinth we also shot a video at the incredibly sweet Labyrinth over on Toronto Island. The music for the video is my mantra music: BREATHE IN LOVE, BREATHE OUT LIGHT. Please stay tuned for updates about the release of this beautiful new video!!!
Also on the horizon: 4 new CD's in the works. As part of the feeling of SERENITY and EFFORTLESSNESS I am doing wee bits here and there and allowing this new music to unfold in its own time and energy. I'll of course let you know when they are released into this world!!!
HAPPY 2014 everyone, sending you lots and lots of fairy hugs, Light and Love,
Breathe out Light
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